
update: 2024/08/22
The 19th SEATUC Symposium will be held in Vietnam on March 5-6, 2025, hosted by HCMUT.
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 The South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) has been established since May 2006 to enhance multilateral academic collaborations among the following eight universities in Asian countries.

The main activities of SEATUC include exchanging student and faculty, holding an academic symposium and enhancing collaborative research works.

Past Symposium

# Host University Period Call for Papers
1st KMUTT 2007/02/27-28
2nd ITB 2008/02/26-27 SEATUC2008 (77.1KB)
3rd UTM 2009/02/25-26 SEATUC2009 (155.3KB)
4th SIT 2010/02/25-26 SEATUC2010 (476.2KB)
5th HUST 2011/02/24-25 SEATUC2011 (463.8KB)
6th KMUTT 2012/03/06-07 SEATUC2012 (240.1KB)
7th ITB 2013/03/04-06 SEATUC2013 (1.1MB)
8th UTM 2014/03/04-05 SEATUC2014 (118.1KB)
9th SUT 2015/07/27-29 SEATUC2015 (87.4KB)
10th SIT 2016/02/22-24 SEATUC2016 (212.4KB)
11th HCMUT 2017/03/13-14 SEATUC2017 (3.2MB)
12th UGM 2018/03/12-13 SEATUC2018 (230.9KB)
13th HUST 2019/03/14-15 SEATUC2019 (589.9KB)
14th KMUTT 2020/02/27-28 SEATUC2020 (1.6MB)
15th ITB 2021/02/25-26 SEATUC2021 (1.2MB)
16th UTM 2022/02/23-24 SEATUC2022 (517.2KB)
17th SUT 2023/02/23-24 SEATUC2023 (444.9KB)
18th SIT 2024/02/27-28 SEATUC2024 (732.3KB)
ContactGraduate School Section
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548, Japan (2F Classroom and Administration Building Toyosu campus)
TEL +81-(0)3-5859-7420 / FAX +81-(0)3-5859-7421