Basic Information
Number of students:9467 / Toyosu:4634 / Omiya:4833
Students in colleges & schools / College of Engineering:4077 / College of Systems Engineering and Science:2015 / School of Architecture:1040 / College of Engineering and Design:674 / Graduate School:1661
Student Gender Ratio / Male:7622 / Female:1845 / total:9467
Faculty members / total:318 / Male:257(81%)/ Female:61(19%) / College of Engineering:165(Male135/Female30) / College of Systems Engineering and Science:76(Male63/Female13)College of Engineering and Design:22(Male18/Female4) / School of Architecture:39(Male30/Female9) / Other:16(Male11/Female5)*The number of faculty members here is the total number of full-time faculty members and specially-appointed faculty members.
foreign faculty members / total:34 /  Male:20 /  Female:14
 Undergraduates per faculty / 24.5 students / 1 faculty member
Employment / Course
Career paths of graduates /  Proceed to graduate school(undergraduate)44.5% / Employment rate (undergraduate)99.6% / [College of Engineering] Graduate School :46.4% Employment rate :99.6% /[College of Systems Engineering and Science ] Graduate School :35.1% Employment rate :99.4% / [College of Engineering and Design] Graduate School :29.0%  Employment rate :100% / [School of Architecture] Graduate School :66.7%  Employment rate :100%
Employment rate of 400 employees in famous companies (as of 2023):32.8% /12th in Japan 5th private universities / 4th in universities with 欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1000 graduates
Number of books in collection : Total 234,821 / Toyosu Library : 151,638 / Omiya Library : 83,183
Campus size, site area /  Omiya Campus : 170,180.94㎡, soccer courts × Approx.23 / Toyosu Campus 30,000.00㎡, soccer courts × Approx.4
Number of publication/ In 2020 : 580 / In 2021 : 591 / In 2022 : 637 / *Retrieved from Scopus (Elsevier) (as of July 2023)
Research grants / Number of cases : 176 (2023) , Amount : 287.4 million yen / The Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research is a 'competitive research fund' that aims to significantly develop all types of academic research, from basic to applied. The Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research is a competitive research fund that aims to significantly develop all types of academic research, from basic to applied, and is intended to support original and pioneering research, The Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research is a competitive research grant that aims to significantly develop all types of academic research, from basic to applied, and provides support for original and pioneering research.
international students / [2012]Short-term (less than 3 months):41, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):3, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):103, total:147 / [2013]Short-term (less than 3 months):28, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):22, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):108, total:158 / [2014]Short-term (less than 3 months):31, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):115, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):115, total:361 / [2015]Short-term (less than 3 months):07, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):149, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):145, total:501 / [2016]Short-term (less than 3 months):13, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):139, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):193, total:842 / [2017]Short-term (less than 3 months):27, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):184, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):286, total:1297 / [2019]Short-term (less than 3 months):35, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):238, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):317, total:1490 / [2020]Short-term (less than 3 months):06, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):157, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):370, total:1133 / [2021]Short-term (less than 3 months):39, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):174, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):373, total:1386 / [2022]Short-term (less than 3 months):09, Medium-term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 3 months):445, Long term (欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 1 year):330, total:1284 / *In 2020-21, online students are included.
University Ranking / THE Japan University Ranking 34th / *Ranked 8th among private universities.
foreign students by region (including short-term students) / Europe:234 / Africa:15 / Middle East:3 / Asia:961 / North America:17 / Central and South America:50 /
Partner Schools in Overseas/ Europe:65  / Asia:103 / Oceania:5 / North America:19 / Central and South America:14 / total:206
Sports & Clubs
Number of clubs and societies / [clubs activities:56] Physical assocciation : 30,cultural association : 21, organization : 5 / [societies:36] culture association : 19, Physical association : 17 /[ student participation rate(45.3% of all students participated)] Male:43.8% Female51.2%
Domestic students in region(undergraduates) /  Hokkaido : 64 / Tohoku : 253 / Kanto : 6508 / Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto,Nara) : 62 / Tokai, Hokuriku,Koshinetsu : 587 / Chugoku : 100 / Kyushu,Okinawa : 150 / Other : 82 /
Number of graduates : 181,853 total
Features of Omiya and Toyosu Campus / [Omiya Campus] / [Easy access to central Tokyo] Higashi Omiya → Tokyo/Shinjuku approx 40 min. / [Ranking of Best Town for living ] Omiya:3rd , Urawa:5th (Saitama Shin Toshin ranked 17th,Other ranks)*2022 Tokyo metropolitan area / [Convenience of living in Higashiomiya]  From Higashi Omiya Station :Walking 5min. Super market, Restaurants, taverns, convenience stores and delicatessens are also available. / [1st prize in SDGs Advanced city] National Municipal SDGs Advancement Survey No1 (for the second consecutive time) / [Many famous facilities] Omiya Sonic City : 3minutes walk from Omiya Station., Saitama Super Arena : 3minutes walk from Saitama Shin Toshin /[ Toyosu Campus ] / [Easy access to central Tokyo] Toyosu Station→Shinjuku,Shibuya,Ueno Station : approx.30min. Toyosu Station→ Tokyo Station : approx.20min. /  [Safety and view of the city] Safety and cleanliness of the city. Toyosu Park near Toyosu Station offers a scenic view. /  [Plenty of Restaurants] There are many restaurants of all kinds. fast food to ramen, restaurants, etc.  / [Shopping mall] LaLaport Toyosu:From Campus :Walking 7min.[Toyosu Forecia] [Viva Home] is located in Toyosu. / [Approximately 20 minutes to Odaiba] Enjoy shopping at Diver City and Aqua City Yurikamome Toyosu Station → Odaiba Kaihin Koen approx.20min.