
Diploma Policy

Undergraduate School

Shibaura Institute of Technology confers a Bachelor's degree to those who have fulfilled academic requirements for graduation and have attained the abilities specified in the following learning educational objectives:

  • to respect and appreciate diversity and act as scientifically and technologically trained individuals with a high level of ethics.
  • to use their basic science and specific knowledge and skills to independently identify, assess, and solve problems while taking social/economic constraints into account.
  • to communicate well with others and function on a team.

Graduate School

Shibaura Institute of Technology confers a Master’s and a Doctor’s degree to those who have fulfilled academic requirements for graduation and have attained the abilities specified in the following learning and educational objectives:

  • Can recognize the diversity in the world and society and can behave as scientifically and technologically trained individuals with a high level of ethics.
  • Can identify problems, recognize the knowledge and skills that are necessary for problem-solving, independently assess what is lacking, and solve problems using basic science and specialist knowledge while taking into account social/economic constraints.
  • Can communicate effectively with others and work on a team.

Curriculum Policy

Undergraduate School

The Shibaura Institute of Technology offers a systematic curriculum consisting of lectures, seminars, experiments, and practical work under the heading of “university-wide common subjects,” “faculty-wide common subjects,” and “college-wide specialist subjects” so that students can acquire the knowledge, skills, capacities, and attitudes specified in the Diploma Policy. SIT achieves these learning and educational objectives by adopting teaching methods that encourage students’ active and subjective learning and research, by evaluating students’ achievement in a multifaceted manner, and by encouraging students to be reflective. SIT offers “university-wide common subjects” to all students so that they can achieve the goals set out by SIT’s mission and Diploma Policy.

Graduate School

The Shibaura Institute of Technology offers a systematic curriculum consisting of lectures, seminars, laboratory works, and practical trainings under the postgraduate common education subjects and specialist education subjects so as to equip students with a high degree of quality knowledge, skills, capacities, and attitudes as specified in the Diploma Policy. Teaching and research supervision aims to encourage active and subjective learning by students and aims to achieve learning and educational objectives by evaluating student achievement in a multifaceted manner and by encouraging students to be reflective. a

Admission Policy

Undergraduate School

The Shibaura Institute of Technology expects applicants to understand the university’s mission and the attributes of the “characters we seek,” as specified below. Moreover, applicants are expected to have a firm grasp of each college’s educational policy and curriculum and their offerings in teaching and research.

SIT seeks students with the following traits:

  • Those who strongly wish to study at SIT and self-motivated to reach their full potential.
  • Those who are interested in learning the basics of mathematics and natural sciences (physics, chemistry, and biology) and who are strongly interested in science and engineering as well as science and technology, and those who intend to contribute to the sustainable development of Japan and the world through this discipline in the future.
  • Those who are willing to acquire the broad knowledge, experience, and communication skills offered at SIT, and are aware of their responsibility as members of civil society while acknowledging the diversity of the world and working for humanity’s progress and the maintenance of the global environment.

Those who agree with the above and wish to join SIT are expected to acquire the following in high school:

  1. The knowledge and skills learned in the high school curriculum (in particular, foreign languages, mathematics, and sciences).
  2. The abilities to think, judge, and express.
  3. The ability to actively collaborate with diverse people.

SIT carries out the following selection of applicants in order to evaluate the abilities listed above in a comprehensive and multifaceted manner. As for the distribution of marks, please refer to details of each method of selection.

  • In the first half, second half, and all university exam route, an emphasis is placed on 1 as above and 2 is evaluated by means of written exams.
  • In the National Center for University Entrance Exam route, evaluation is made by aggregating marks of multiple subjects while placing an emphasis on 1 as above.
  • In the recommendation by the designated schools, affiliated schools, and attached schools route, evaluation of 1 and 2 is made based on the school report, and interviews are carried out in order to evaluate 1, 2, and 3 comprehensively.
  • In the Admission Office entrance exam route, evaluation of 1 and 2 is made based on the school report, and exams and interviews are carried out to evaluate 1, 2, and 3 comprehensively.
  • In the special entrance exam for foreigners and for returnees route, written exams and externally awarded qualifications are used to evaluate 1 and 2, and interviews are carried out to evaluate 1, 2, and 3 comprehensively.
  • In the project entrance exam route, the school report and letters of reference are used to evaluate 1, 2, and 3, and practice-based exams and interviews are carried out to further evaluate 1, 2, and 3 comprehensively.

Graduate School

The Graduate School of the Shibaura Institute of Technology expects applicants to understand the university’s mission, the “characters we seek” as specified below, and to have a firm grasp of each school’s and major’s educational policy and curriculum, and offerings in teaching and research.

SIT seeks students with the following traits:

  • Those who strongly wish to learn or research at SIT, and wish to develop themselves and reach their full potential.
  • Those who are interested in learning the basics of mathematics and natural sciences and are strongly interested in science and engineering as well as science and technology, and those who intent to contribute to the sustainable development of Japan and the world through this discipline in the future.
  • Those who are willing to acquire broad knowledge and experience as well as communication skills at SIT, and are aware of their responsibility as members of civil society while acknowledging the diversity of the world and working for humanity’s progress and the maintenance of the global environment.

Those who agree with the above and wish to join the Graduate School at SIT are expected to have acquired the following learning achievements and capacities at the undergraduate level:

  1. Basic science and specialist knowledge acquired at the undergraduate level or at the master’s level.
  2. The ability to identify and solve problems.
  3. Communication skills including foreign languages and the abilities to present and manage.
  4. The ability to actively collaborate with diverse people.

SIT evaluates and selects applicants by way of wide variety of selection methods so as to evaluate the academic achievements and capacities as listed above in a comprehensive and multifaceted manner.