Overview - College of Design Engineering

Educational Philosophy

Shibaura Institute of Technology founded the College of Design Engineering on the place of its origin, Shibaura campus, in 2009. The vision of the College is to develop practical individuals with essential skills of creativity in manufacturing. The graduates can create harmony in blending engineering, human perception, and society all together. The society and industry of 21st Century rely upon individuals having broad engineering knowledge and technological backgrounds. At the same time, it is vital to nurture such professionals who can contribute human perceptions to manufactured products effectively. Graduates of such talents must have competent skills to formulate innovative ideas from even chaotic stage, where the concept is not yet to clarify. They must also have leadership to integrate individual needs coordinately. In order to strengthen such design talents, the College makes best use of the advantageous location of Shibaura, in the heart of Tokyo. The College provides a practical academic education in order to pursue design professions based on “Practical demonstration studies with close links to society and industry”.


Diploma Policy

College of Design Engineering confers a Bachelor's degree to those who have fulfilled academic requirements for graduation, and have attained the abilities specified in the following learning and educational objectives:

  • Have acquired a broad range of knowledge of the relationship among technology, humanity, society, and the natural world and can think multi-dimensionally by drawing from global and historical perspectives.
  • Can understand the influences and effects that technology may have on the world, society, and nature and its responsibility towards society; can act with a high level of ethics as an engineer.
  • Can grasp societal needs and users’ requests, work on a team, and communicate effectively with others involved.
  • Have developed the ability to design and layout by mastering specialist knowledge and skills, and can apply them to the site of manufacturing to solve problems.

Curriculum Policy

College of Design Engineering offers the following curriculum, which co-ordinates and merges engineering and human sensitivity/society and develops students’ creative and pragmatic talent for manufacturing. Common general education and common basic subjects are offered so that students can acquire a wide range of basics in engineering and technology. Specialist subjects train students to be able to generate ideas when there is no clear concept and to sort out and integrate the different demands of leadership and engagement with manufacturing. These subjects are systematically organized with lectures, seminars, experiments, and practical work. The College adopts teaching methods that encourage active and subjective learning and research by students. It achieves educational objectives by evaluating student achievement in a multifaceted manner and by encouraging students to be reflective.
  1. Common general subjects:
    Subjects to comprehend humanity and society. Humanities subjects are for first and second year students and social science subjects are for third and fourth year students.
  2. Common basic subjects:
    Science and engineering subjects to master basic knowledge of engineering. Concentrated in the first and second years.
  3. Specialist subjects:
    Selected major specialist subjects that make up the system of design engineering.
  4. Comprehensive project:
    Graduation research (Thesis, manufacture/production).

Admission Policy

The major strength of the College of Design Engineering is its teaching provision to develop the ability to design. Applicants who wish to join the College are expected to have formed a clear understanding of the “characters we seek” as specified below, the College’s educational policy, the College’s curriculum, and its teaching and research.
Student character traits the College of Design Engineering seeks:

  • Those who have solid basic knowledge and skills and who aim to be a sought-after technician in twenty-first century society and industry.
  • Those who are endowed with creative imagination, the ability to identify and solve problems, and the ability to think autonomously from a comprehensive perspective.
  • Those who have various talents and potentials and can respond sensitively to international society, the industry, individual lives, and change in interest.

Those who agree with the above and wish to join the College are expected to acquire the following prerequisites in high school:

  1. The knowledge and skills of the high school curriculum (in particular, foreign languages, mathematics, and natural sciences).
  2. The abilities to think, judge, and express.
  3. The ability to actively collaborate with diverse people.

The College carries out the following selections in order to evaluate the capacities listed above and others in a comprehensive and multifaceted manner. For the distribution of marks, please refer to the details of each selection method.

  • In the first half, second half, and all university exam route, an emphasis is placed on 1 as above and 2 is evaluated by means of written exams.
  • In the National Center for University Entrance Exam route, the evaluation is made by aggregating marks of multiple subjects while placing an emphasis on 1 as above.
  • In the recommendation by the designated schools, affiliated schools, and attached schools route, evaluation of 1 and 2 is made based on the school report and interviews are carried out in order to evaluate 1, 2, and 3 comprehensively.
  • In the special entrance exam for foreigners and returnees route, written exams and externally awarded qualifications are used to evaluate 1 and 2, and interviews are carried out to evaluate 1, 2, and 3 comprehensively.


The Curriculum is structured to have close links with industries. The fundamental concept of the education is geared towards friendly designs both to humans and the environment. The practical aspects of the education are combined with practical demonstrations that provide an understanding of the close interface between society and people. The College teaches intensive learning subjects during the 1st and 2nd years, comprising “Core General Subjects” to understand humans and society, and “Core Fundamental Subjects” including science and engineering subjects to acquire engineering fundamental knowledge. Additionally, “Core Specialized Subjects”, where the levels of proficiency increase every academic year, are designed to focus on studies on the blend between design and engineering. The Curriculum is intended to prepare students to study the comprehensive academic discipline of design engineering alongside experiencing practical aspects of their chosen field of expertise from the 1st academic year so that they can be fully aware of their potential future career path.

The College of Design Engineering Addresses A New Era

Today, with the accelerating diversity, complexity, and globalization, it is important to assess manufacturing practices not only from manufacturer sides but also from consumer/user sides, and resultantly to transform their requirements into successful realizations. In order to provide services and products, which satisfy needs of various individuals, it is essential to have not only the technological elements identified from each component but also design skills to build an overall “worldwide view” of manufactured products. The indispensable expertise today is identifying what product is required based on an in-depth understanding of human perceptions and behavior, as well as designing an entire manufacturing process from conceptual design to manufacturing phases, exploiting one’s own knowledge and skills base in engineering. Specifically, manufacturing practice led by competent engineers with a broad range of design skills (mechanical design skill, conceptual skill, planning skill and design drafting skill), are eagerly awaited. The vision of the College of Design Engineering is to develop professional individuals having engineering knowhow combined with skills backgrounds, who can participate in manufacturing the products that appeal to human perceptions. Under a keyword, so-called “design”, the College formulates three academic courses and four specific areas in order to cultivate skilled engineers who are dedicated in manufacturing products that appeal to hearts of “humans”.

Objectives in Education and Research

The objective of the College of Design Engineering is to nurture human resources who dedicate to manufacturing products that appeal to the heart of “consumers” while exploiting their innovative skills for originality, concept-forming, planning and design.