Chemistry and Biotechnology


As the basis of chemistries, you will study analytical, organic, inorganic, physical and biological chemistry, to be able to work on the broad field of industries

1st year: You will study the basis of chemistry and materials

●Main Courses of Study
Theories of Chemical Bonding / Organic Chemistry / Chemical Engineering 1 / Inorganic Chemistry 1 / Physical Chemistry 1 / Analytical Chemistry / Biochemistry

2nd year: Acquiring deep understanding and expand the science field not only with classes but laboratories of chemistry

●Main Courses of Study
Physical Chemistry 2 / Chemical Engineering 2 / Applied Biochemistry / Bioorganic Chemistry / Theory of Organic Reactions/ Inorganic Chemistry 2

3rd year: Acquiring practical solutions with the project study in the Lab

●Main Courses of Study
Organic Structural Determination/ Synthetic Organic Chemistry / Modern Biology / Polymer Chemistry / Introduction to Chemical Biology/ Electrochemistry / Separation Engineering / Inorganic Material Chemistry / Ceramic Chemistry / Applied Analytical Chemistry / Graduation Thesis 1/2

4th year: Completion of the graduation thesis with intensive study of the project and discussion with the supervisor

●Main Courses of Study
Graduation Thesis 3/4

Class Introduction


Outline of industrial chemistry

You will study current chemical industries with the talk of the person who is working in the industry. You will consider your own future career and what you should understand for your future desire.


Laboratory course in analytical chemistry

In most of the laboratory courses, you will conduct the experiment with the teammates of the students. However, in this class, laboratory of analytical chemistry, you will conduct each experiment of the project by yourself. You will develop your presentation and communication skills through discussion with the professor or teaching assistant.


Introduction to chemical industries

The person who is hiring the graduate of the course, graduate of the course will give a talk about their industry and job. You will experience writing an application for the industry as a practice and preparing for your own job hunting.

Examples of Research Topics

Development for the novel materials for power generation and energy saving

Energy Materials Creation Chemistry Laboratory: Prof. Hiroyuki Oguchi

All the material, either gas, liquid or solid, are constructed with an assembly of the elements. The combination and the ratio of those elements determine the feature of the materials, electron conductivity or luminescence for example. The nature of the element denotes that we can develop the materials with specific function as our desire. We are studying and developing novel materials exhibiting unprecedented properties as a reconstruction of the materials from the elements with the methods of vapor deposition or sputtering. As the application of those novel materials, we have developed power generators with vibration and lithium batteries as power storage.


Photograph of electron micrograph of a metallic spherical shell supporting a lipid membrane.
Three micrometers of tiny capsules with the ordered arrangement. Sputtered novel materials exhibiting fluorescence emission


Power generator with vibration constructed with the novel materials

Examples of Activities with Overseas Partners

Global PBL Implementation: Problem Solving in International Teams

Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) + National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) + Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (WMSCU) (Indonesia) + Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET) (India)

We are organizing a problem-based learning (PBL) program in cooperation with universities in Taiwan, Indonesia, and India (for 1st-4th year undergraduates), gathering at NTUST and SIT in August and at WMSCU in February. are working on problem solving. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we collaborated online to create a video to get high school students interested in chemistry. Through these activities, students can develop the ability to cooperate with peers from different cultural backgrounds and languages, which they will need in the future.


Task: Melt 3.5 kg of ice in just 90 minutes! Procure the tools for 500 yen. (August 2019)


Chemical Fun Video for high school students created by an international team (September 2021)

Examples of Graduation Research

Electrolytic synthesis of polyphenylene films and their application to blue light- emitting material

Although polyphenylene is known as a blue light-emitting material, it is very difficult to prepare polyphenylene as a thin film. We have been attempting synthesis of polyphenylene by electrochemical polymerization that enables us to prepare polyphenylene as thin film. We are aiming to get polyphenylene film with brighter emission of fluorescence by studying the properties of blue luminescence of polyphenylene.

Applications of this research

These days, practical use of organic light emitting diode (OLED) penetrate our life. OLED is composed of organic compounds, either molecule or polymer, so called OLED components. However, few polymers with blue luminescence are known and obtaining OLED with blue light has been desired. We are aiming to develop polyphenylene films with bright blue luminescence as that to be applied for the OLED display.

Development of inorganic membrane of reverse osmosis

Although separation with reverse osmosis is very efficient, most membranes for reverse osmosis are composed of organic polymers. Due to deterioration of the organic polymers, usage of those membranes is limited. However, development of inorganic membrane of glass widely expanded the use of reverse osmosis for the separation of chemicals. The chemical vapor deposition enabled us to develop the membrane as the highest separation in the world.

Application of this research

Acetic acid, a component of vinegar, is an essential chemical for industry. The separation of acetic acid and water is an essential process in the production of acetic acid. Although purification of acetic acid with reverse osmosis might be one of the efficient ways, there is no example of the membrane of which capable of separating acetic acid. We have developed a glass membrane that enables us to separate acetic acid and water with reverse osmosis. We are aiming to develop the application of glass membranes that makes better efficiency for acetic acid fabrication.