Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program Overview

Our goal is to nurture humanistic engineers who can respond to structural changes and technological advances in an industry that is becoming increasingly high-level and high-tech, and who are able to work independently.

Course Introduction

Research Fields/Areas

Electrical Engineering and Robotics

Electric power and energy

Students consider the benefits and future challenges of electric energy through the study of power generation, transport, conversion, and control technologies.

System control and robotics

Students learn methods for designing, building, programming, and controlling robots consisting of sensors, motors, and computers.

Electric materials and devices

Learn the properties of advanced functional materials and how to create microscopic sensors and micromachines.

Advanced Electronic Engineering

Nanoelectronics and Photonics

Study of optical and electronic devices

  • ?Semiconductor engineering
  • ?electronic propertiesengineering
  • ?electronic materialsengineering
  • ?optoelectronicsengineering
  • ?electronic devicesengineering
  • ?electronic materials evaluation

Informatics and bioelectronics

Study of electronic circuits and information and communication

  • ?Signal processing circuits
  • ?information transmission circuits
  • ?acoustic systemscircuits
  • ?information and communication systemscircuits
  • ?integrated circuit engineeringcircuits
  • ?medical electronics

Keywords for Learning

Electrical Engineering and Robotics

  • Electric vehicles
  • Energy conversionvehicles
  • Energy conservationvehicles
  • Clean energyvehicles
  • Solar cellsvehicles
  • Robotsvehicles
  • Linear motorsvehicles
  • Power supplyvehicles
  • Power electronicsvehicles
  • Mechatronics control systemsvehicles
  • Electric propulsionvehicles
  • Soft machinesvehicles
  • Machine learningvehicles
  • Image recognition

Advanced Electronic Engineering

  • Semiconductors
  • Sensing technologySemiconductors
  • Optical fiberSemiconductors
  • NanotechnologySemiconductors
  • Brain and biofunction analysisSemiconductors
  • Measurement technologySemiconductors
  • Integrated circuitsSemiconductors
  • Electronic circuit softwareSemiconductors
  • UltrasoundSemiconductors
  • Optoelectronic/optical communicationSemiconductors
  • Wireless IoTSemiconductors
  • Biosensors

Educational and Research Objectives and Policies

This program cultivates human resources with rich human qualities, capable of taking the initiative to act in response to technological advancements and to use electrical and electronic technologies to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society.
Specifically, the objectives of education and research in the program are to foster human resources with the following abilities by the time they graduate.

  • ?Basic knowledge in specialized areas related to electrical and electronic engineering, and the ability to use such knowledge as an engineer to analyze problems in those areas and apply such analysis to achieve solutions;
  • ?The presentation and communication abilities required to explain one’s opinion to others logically in both written and oral forms, to understand information and opinions conveyed by others, and to realize one’s intentions;
  • ?The cooperative ability to understand and carry out one’s own tasks as part of a team, the ethical capacity to appreciate the impact of one’s activities on society and the environment, and the sense of responsibility to understand the expectations entrusted by society and to act in accordance with the ethical standards of a professional engineer.

In order to cultivate human resources with rich human qualities who are capable of taking the initiative to act in response to technological advancements, the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program confers degrees on students who satisfy the graduation requirements and have acquired the following abilities and attributes upon graduation.

(a) Self-expression and dialogue
? The presentation ability to explain one’s opinions logically to others in written and spoken forms;
? The communication ability to understand the information and opinions conveyed by others, and to realize one’s own intentions.

(b) Attitude and orientation
The cooperativeness to understand and accomplish one’s roles as a team member;
?The ethical standards to appreciate the impact of one’s actions on society and the environment;
? The sense of responsibility to understand expectations entrusted by society and to act in accordance with the professional ethics of an engineer in one’s workplace.

In addition to the above, acquisition of (c) foundational knowledge/applied skills is required as follows.

(c) Foundational knowledge/applied skills
Electrical Engineering and Robotics Course:
? Foundational knowledge of “energy & control” in a wide range of related fields;
? The applied ability to analyze and solve problems in the areas of electrical power and energy, and system control and robotics.

Advanced Electronic Engineering Course:
? Foundational knowledge in specialized areas (nanoelectronics and photonics, information and bioelectronics)
? The applied ability to use the knowledge above in the analysis and resolution of problems in one’s area of work as an engineer.

In order to equip students with the abilities stated in the Diploma Policy, the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program centers its education on the cultivation of richly creative students who have studied engineering from a foundation of solid basic academic proficiency and are able to contribute to society. The Program constructs its curriculum, conducts education and assesses academic achievement in accordance with the following principles:

(1) Curriculum in years 1 and 2
In mathematics foundation subjects, students acquire foundational knowledge required to complete the course, and the ability to comprehend specialized knowledge and technologies. Through experiments in laboratory foundation subjects, they gain understanding of foundational knowledge and develop practical abilities.

(2) Curriculum in years 3 and 4
Through specialized subjects and laboratory/practicum subjects, students acquire foundational knowledge applicable to a variety of technical problems, and pursue systematic studies in the Electric and Robotic Engineering Course or the Advanced Electronic Engineering Course. Concurrently, they also pursue a graduation research project in years 3 and 4. Building on what they have learned in each subject, students acquire foundational research and technological development methods by discussing, both in their labs and in course presentation sessions, the background to their own research and the problems it addresses, the methods and techniques for solving those problems, and their research findings.

(3) Curriculum fostering engineering design ability
In subjects fostering engineering design ability, students work in teams and groups to tackle problems, developing design abilities through presentations, debates, and other experiences.

These academic achievements are evaluated through written examinations, oral examinations, presentations, reports, and other formats aligned with the academic and educational achievement goals and the statements within the achievement goals that are emphasized in each subject concerned. Course credits are awarded to students whose achievements satisfy the prescribed level in the achievement goals.

Based on the policy stated above:

Students in the Electrical Engineering and Robotics Course study specialized subjects relating to electrical energy, robotics, mechatronics, and electrical materials and devices.
Students in the Advanced Electronic Engineering Course study specialized subjects relating to the design and analysis of electronic circuits, information processing and transmission, electronic properties, and semiconductors, photonics, and electronic devices.

The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program seeks to admit individuals from both Japan and abroad who display the following attributes and motivations.

  • ?Students with rich human qualities and the ability to respond readily to technological advancements and structural changes in increasingly sophisticated, high-tech industries, and to take action independently.
  • ?Students equipped with basic academic proficiency, abundant general knowledge and broad perspectives, and the desire to become highly creative engineers capable of playing active roles in society.

In addition to the above, each Course seeks any of the following attributes in applicants for admission.

Electrical Engineering and Robotics Course:
?Students who seek self-improvement through their daily learning in order to cultivate broad-ranging knowledge and rich human qualities, have a sense of purpose and apply themselves tenaciously, and are pursuing a meaningful and fulfilling senior high school life; Students who are interested in engineering technologies, explore them autonomously and proactively, and are pursuing their senior high school life in accordance with their own volition rather than following others;
? Students with an interest in problems facing humanity such as new energy and environmental balance, and a desire to study electrical engineering in order to solve such problems in the future;
? Students with an interest and desire to engage earnestly and passionately in the areas of electrical power and energy and system control and robotics, as covered by electrical engineering and its applications in robotic engineering,

Advanced Electronic Engineering Course:
? Students with a strong desire to apply knowledge of electronics to play active roles in the society of the future.
? Students with broad-ranging interests in education and research in new materials and devices, design and analysis of electronic circuits, and information processing and communications.

Individuals who agree with the above expectations and seek admission to the Program are encouraged to acquire the following through their studies in senior high school or equivalent:

  1. (1) The knowledge, skills, and techniques studied in the senior high school curriculum or equivalent (especially foreign language, mathematics, and science);
  2. (2) Abilities such as reasoning, judgment, and expression;
  3. (3) Ability to take the initiative and learn in collaboration with diverse others.

In order to evaluate the above abilities in a multifaceted and integrated manner, the Program conducts selection of applicants for admission as follows, guided by the Admissions Policy of the College of Engineering.

  • ?In the Regular Admission Method Round 1, Round 2, and Common Round, and the English Language Proficiency/Certification Examinations Method, we evaluate (1), as well as (2) in the essay examination.
  • ?In the Regular Admission Common Test for University Admissions Method, we evaluate (1) and (2) by reference to results in multiple subjects.
  • ?In the Comprehensive Evaluation Method, we evaluate (1) and (2) by means including written examination and external certification examinations, and (1), (2), and (3) comprehensively in the interview.
  • ?In the School Recommendation Method, we evaluate (1) and (2) through senior high school records, and (1), (2), and (3) comprehensively in the interview.

Academic and Educational Achievement Goals

Electrical Engineering and Robotics

A Can comprehend phenomena in a multifaceted manner, having learned the developmental history of various cultures and societies from diverse standpoints.
B Can understand and explain the ethical frameworks governing the behavior of engineers, as required for awareness and implementation of ethical responsibilities in relation to technology; can make value judgements based on professional ethical standards in practical fields of engineering.
C Can effectively use mathematics, natural sciences and information technologies as languages and tools for problem-solving.
D Can apply techniques of electrical engineering and related areas to problems, and utilize them in order to resolve social demands.
E Can set technical challenges for oneself in light of social needs, use design abilities to solve problems through design, analysis, fabrication, and evaluation.
F Can communicate appropriately in global society.
G Can identify issues autonomously and elevate one’s own spirit of inquiry through ongoing study.
H Can accurately understand issues under given restrictions including time and cost, formulate plans and work in accordance with them, and accurately summarize results.
I Can accurately grasp one’s role within a multidisciplinary team, and pursue work smoothly in communication with others; can gain insight and self-awareness through opportunities for reflection.

Advanced Electronic Engineering

A Has abundant general knowledge and can acquire the foundational abilities to consider and understand phenomena from a wide range of standpoints.
B Understands the role of technology in society and the responsibilities of an engineer, and can acquire advanced ethical standards.
C Has obtained knowledge of the natural sciences, mathematics, and information technology, and can acquire the ability to consider and understand phenomena logically.
D Can acquire foundational knowledge relating to electronic engineering and the ability to apply it.
E Can acquire the ability to solve specialized design problems.
F Can acquire the ability to carry out specialized tasks methodically under limitations, compile properly formatted reports and/or theses, make presentations and answer questions.
G Can develop ongoing study habits and the ability to take autonomous action to solve problems.
H Can acquire the ability to act as a member of a group and solve specialized problems.