3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2021, Tainan, Taiwan

Kriengsak Masnok (Department: Biofluid Science & Engineering Laboratory, Functional Control System, Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences / GRADE: Doctor 3rd)

【Faculty supervisor】
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nobuo Watanabe.

【Conference or Award Ceremony name (in full)】
3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2021, Tainan, Taiwan

Best Conference Paper Award

【Research theme or presentation title, etc. for which you received the award】
Effects of Increased Catheter Contact Force on the Ablation Impedance in the Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias

?Our research is aimed to investigate the effects of the catheter contact force related to the contact angle on the ablation impedance in the radiofrequency catheter ablation process.
We developed a special radiofrequency catheter ablation system that enables us to precisely set the catheter contact angle and force to the heart tissue's surface. Then, we investigated the effects of the catheter contact force on the ablation impedance during ablation. The results of our study revealed a substantial impact of the catheter contact force on the ablation impedance in radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures.
Nowadays, radiofrequency catheter ablation therapy has become a widely used and effective treatment for tachyarrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm). Our data be helpful to increase the effectiveness of the radiofrequency catheter ablation therapy. Especially, to reduce risk in the clinical application of radiofrequency ablation and for those performing this procedure to understand the relationships among the parameters and plan their treatment strategy beforehand.



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