Sittichai Wangwiwattana received the "Best Student Paper Award" at 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics

Sittichai Wangwiwattana (Functional Control Systems/ GRADE: D3)

【Faculty supervisor】
Prof. Yoshikazu Koike (Functional Control System Engineering)

【Conference name】
2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRoB2022)

Best Student Paper Award

【Title of Paper】
Arc-Fault Detection method with Saturated Current Transformer
本文_SittichaiAwardee Sittichai Wangwiwattana (left)
In this research, we devised a low cost and low voltage arc-fault detector. The circuit detection method is to measure peak current from the current transformer and make the comparison between non arc-fault state and arc-fault state. Since the output current peak created by the current sense transformer in arc-fault state has certain jagged edge, voltage output from the transformer is substantially lower than that of normal state. Such a voltage variation causes into changes of magnetic flux in the current transformer. It is expected that the large voltage difference between arc fault and non-arc fault state appears. It can be used to detect and identify the arc-fault even if arc-fault influence on the supplied voltage is quite low. In this report, we are able to detect the direct pattern difference between non-arc fault and arc fault state. The detection setup for proposed method can be created successfully.


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