20th Anniversary Ceremony of Agreement with AGH University of Krakow, Poland

  • Global

On May 8th,  the Ceremony of the 20th Year of Anniversary of Cooperation between our strategic partner, AGH University of Krakow and SIT was held at AGH University of Krakow in Poland.

The ceremony was attended by His Excellency Akio Miyajima, Ambassador of Japan to Poland, Professor Jerzy Lis, Rector of AGH University of Krakow, Professor Dr. Janusz Szmyd, Rector's Proxy for Cooperation with Japan, AGH University of Krakow, Dr. Dawid Kostecki, Director General of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), Mr. Takeo Suzumi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Professor Dr. Jun Yamada, President of SIT, and Professor Dr. Akito Takasaki, Vice President of SIT, to celebrate this milestone of friendship and cooperation between the two universities. 
During the ceremony, the historical partnership between the two universities and the results of joint projects were reviewed and prospects for further cooperation were shared.
In addition, five graduates of the Master's program and one graduate of the Doctoral program of AGH University of Krakow and SIT Double Degree Program were awarded degrees of their respective universities.
Both universities look forward to the continued development of mutual educational programs and academic exchanges, as well as the expansion of mutual understanding and international perspectives among students and faculty members.
Shibaura Institute of Technology will continue to work with AGH University of Krakow to enhance the international influence and educational quality of both universities.

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President Yamada delivering a speech at the ceremony.

Granting degrees to recipients of double degree programs in the doctoral course.

Granting degrees to recipients of double degree programs in the master's course.


Division of Global Initiatives
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