Mele Lab visited Faraday Factory Japan LLC

  • Information

On June 13 2023 Mele Lab (Paolo, Giovanna and the internship student Michela Iebole from University of Genoa) visited the production factory and R&D section of Faraday Factory Japan LLC (former SuperOx Japan) in Hashimotodai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa prefecture. The CEO, Dr. Sergey Lee, explained the great progress made by Faraday Factory Japan in the very past few years on the mass production of superconducting YBCO tape and introduced the state-of-the-art machines available in production and research areas.

mele先生 本文3Dr. Sergey Lee, Paolo, Dr. Giovanna Latronico and Michela Iebole at Faraday Factory LLC


芝浦工業大学 企画広報課

〒135-8548 東京都江東区豊洲3-7-5(豊洲キャンパス本部棟2階)

TEL:03-5859-7070 / FAX:03-5859-7071