Prof. Cristiano Giordani (University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia) visited Mele Lab and delivered a seminar

  • Information

Prof. Cristiano Giordani of University of Antioquia (Medellin, Colombia), a biophysicist specialized on biomedicine, natural products, essential oils, medicinal plants, and anti-microbial compounds,  joined Mele Lab as visiting researcher from November 20 to December 7 2023.                                                        
The visit has been organized in the framework of renewed MoU between Shibaura IT and University of Antioquia.
Prof. Giordani during his visit studied thin film samples of zinc oxide fabricated from organic solutions using spin coating technique.
On November 28, Prof. Giordani delivered his seminar on "Biophysical Studies on the Interaction between Peptides and Drugs with Models of Biological Membranes"1

                  Prof. Cristiano Giordani presenting his seminar at Omiya campus, Shibaura IT (28 November 2023)


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