IT-JP Virtual Workshop on Materials for Highly-Efficient Renewable Energy Systems
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Promote science and technology in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Tokyo
Shibaura Institute of Technology held a virtual workshop on June 23, 2020 in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Tokyo. We exchanged opinions on climate change and renewable energy.
This workshop was conducted under the guidance of Prof. Paolo Mele, College of engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, and Prof. Enrico Traversa, Scientific Counsellor, Italian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan. This workshop is the occasion to reconnect Italy and Japan in the science and technology field after the emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic is less stringent, though in a “virtual” and not a “physical” way, as part of the “Italy is Back to Japan” Program of the Embassy of Italy in Tokyo.
The topic is renewable energy, which is an important tool for fighting climate changes and for sustainability. Italy is co-organizing with the UK the next COP26 on climate changes, which was postponed to 2021, and talking with Japan about renewable energy is very important to stimulate novel collaborations.
In particular, the workshop will focus on the aspects of improving energy efficiency through the materials development for renewable energy systems. The distinguished speakers will illustrate topics such as superconducting cables for electricity transport with low loss, fuel cells that are the most efficient devices for energy conversion, thermoelectric materials for harvesting waste heat, and novel perovskite materials for solar cells with improved efficiency.
The workshop is an event in the framework of the Italian Research Day in Japan.
It is organized by Shibaura Institute of technology, Tokyo, Japan and the Italian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Masato Murakami, President, Shibaura IT - "Can superconductors save the Earth?"Assoc. Prof. Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy - "Innovative anodes for solid oxide fuel cells: insights on redox-stability and catalytic activity"
Prof. Takao Mori, WPI-MANA, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan - "Development of Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for IoT Energy Harvesting"
Dr. Annamaria Petrozza, Senior Researcher, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), MIlano, Italy - "Understanding Defect Physics to Stabilize Metal-halide Perovskite Semiconductors for Optoelectronic Applications"
Planning and Public Relations Section
3-9-14 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8548, Japan (2F Shibaura campus)
TEL:+81-(0)3-6722-2900 / FAX:+81-(0)3-6722-2901