ATU-Net Virtual University Presidents Forum 2020 (Series3) conducted

  • Information
Shibaura Institute of Technology hosted an online webinar, the Virtual University Presidents Forum 2020 (Series 3) organized by ATU-Net (Asia Technological University Network), on Thursday, September 17. The theme of the forum was "Reigniting International Mobility through Global Partnerships" and lectures were given by educators from around the world.
The forum was streamed live on the official Facebook page of Shibaura Institute of Technology on the day of the forum and was attended by a total of 170 people from all over the world, including approximately 100 people on Zoom and 70 people on Facebook.

The keynote speeches were given by Mr. Kuniaki Sato, Chief Director for University Reform at the Higher Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and SIT President Murakami. They gave lectures on the impact of the corona virus disaster and on the responses of higher educational institutions in Japan that are struggling to survive this challenging pandemic. In the round table session that followed, case studies were presented by King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi (Thailand) and AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland). In the question and answer session for each lecture, many questions were raised by the audience.


15:40 – 15:55 Key Note 1: 
“Internationalization of Japanese Higher Education under COVID-19 pandemic”
Mr. Kuniaki Sato, Chief Director for University Reform, Higher Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan

15:55 – 16:10 Key Note 2: 
“Higher Education in a VUCA world”
Prof. Dr. Masato Murakami, President, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

16:30 – 16:40 Round Table Speaker 1:
“Transformation of Engineering Education in COVID-19 Pandemic and Future Prospects”
Prof. Dr. Masahiro Inoue, Vice President, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

16:40 – 16:50 Round Table Speaker 2:
“Enhancing Internationalization at Home through Virtual Mobility”
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pornapit Darasawang, Vice President for Internationalization,
King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi, Thailand

16:50 – 17:00 Round Table Speaker 3:
“Scientific Cooperation for Reinforcing Future Security
under and after COVID-19 Pandemic”
Prof. Dr. Janusz S. Szmyd. Eurotherm Committee President Head, Dept. of Fundamental Research in Energy Engineering, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

ATU-net is a network of Asian engineering-oriented universities and is the only international organization of which our university is a member in Japan. The forum was followed by a networking session with representatives of the participating universities from around the world, which was a great opportunity to share awareness and exchange ideas for solutions.
You can follow the Forum on the official website of ATU-net.



Division of Global Initiatives

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