New Online International Community of Virtual Global Learning Commons (V-GLC) is Now Open!

  • Information
Division of Global Initiatives at Shibaura Institute of Technology has launched a new Virtual Global Learning Commons (V-GLC) which is a daily online event for both International and Japanese students to socialize and share about their cultures and experiences.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, international on-campus gathering and studying abroad are restricted. However, we are now moving forward with this V-GLC, offering students to practice foreign languages, ask questions about overseas experiences, and share their cultures. Each hour, the GLC student staffs with diverse backgrounds are waiting for you!

How to Participate

Date: Mondays – Fridays
(Until January 15, 2021, except Year-end/New Year and National Holidays)
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Afternoon) / 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Evening) *JST
Venue: ZOOM / Meeting ID: 967 4937 4545 (Afternoon), 954 3768 4091 (Evening)
  : Afternoon LINK, Evening LINK
Eligible participants: All SIT students
Message: You can come and go as you pleased. No appointments required.
Note: Access is available from your SIT account through Scomb only.
Since GLC rooms at both Omiya and Toyosu campus are closed, this online V-GLC is the only space available for meetups at this time.

Comments from GLC Student Staffs

- Please feel free to visit us because you can access from anywhere.
- Come and join us in your spare moment. You are free to access and leave anytime during each hour.
- We can practice our English casually online despite the challenging time we are facing under COVID-19.
- You can improve your English for free.
- It is a good opportunity not only to improve your English but make friends with International students.



SGU Initiatives Section
Division of Global Initiatives
Shibaura Institute of Technology
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548, Japan (2F Classroom and Administration Building Toyosu campus)
TEL: 03-5859-7150 / FAX: 03-5859-7141