2020 academic year’s Degree Conferment Ceremony held

  • Information
2,364 undergraduate and graduate students of Shibaura Institute of Technology received their diploma at the Degree Conferment Ceremony held at Tokyo International Forum on March 17.

At the ceremony, a student representative from each college and graduate school course took the stage to receive a diploma, and students with outstanding academic records received accolades including the President Award (Global) and minor program certificates.

Addressing the students in English, SIT President Masato Murakami said the graduates had naturally acquired logical thinking and critical thinking skills by conducting research for graduation or a master’s thesis, which he described as a lifelong asset earned while attending SIT.

At the ceremony, SIT Board of Directors Chairman Takeo Suzumi said: “I congratulate you all, and I sincerely hope you make an impact wherever you go in the world while never forgetting your pride at being an SIT graduate.”

President Murakami closed the degree conferment ceremony by performing songs (Eikou no Kakehashi & My way) in a storytelling style on the sub rise.


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