On-Campus COVID-19 Vaccination Begins at Toyosu and Omiya Campuses

  • Information
The first dose of the new coronavirus vaccine for students, faculty and staff of SIT and faculty and staff of nearby educational institutions began on July 5 at both the Toyosu and Omiya campuses.

As vaccines are sensitive to temperature, SIT installed freezers with alarms to control proper temperature for preparation. Also on the day of vaccination, students could know crowdedness of the vaccination site through livestreaming.

There was no major congestion at the vaccination site, and many teachers and staff from nearby schools and company employees who outsourced their work visited the event.

A total of approximately 2100 (including 1600 students) were vaccinated. Students who completed the vaccination said, "It was smooth and easy, less crowded than large vaccination site.

●IMG_8795 - コピーstudents lined up at the reception desk
●山田学長受付3 - コピーPresident Yamada at the reception desk
●IMG_8797 - コピーstudents waiting before the medical consultation
●IMG_8778 - コピーresting area
toyosu2view of congestion at the Toyosu Campus
omiyaview of congestion at the Omiya Campus