About System Maintenance for Certificate Issuance

  • Information
Please note instant issuance of certificates on the same day will not be available throughout the day on Tuesday, March 1 due to maintenance of the certificate issuing machines.

The certificate issuance will be available again on Wednesday, March 2 at 9am.

The transcripts issued after March 2 will reflect the grades for AY2021 Fall semester as well.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



豊洲:〒135-8548 東京都江東区豊洲3-7-5(豊洲キャンパス 教室棟2階)

大宮:〒337-8570 埼玉県さいたま市見沼区深作307(大宮キャンパス 2号館1階)

TEL:豊洲:03-5859-7370 / 大宮:048-687-5105 

FAX:豊洲:03-5859-7371 / 大宮:048-687-5573 

E-mail:豊洲:tgakusei@ow.shibaura-it.ac.jp / 大宮:ogakusei@ow.shibaura-it.ac.jp