Event Report on GTI Consortium Symposium 2022

  • Global

The GTI Consortium Symposium 2022 was held on December 9. The theme of the symposium was "International Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration for Human Resource Development" and the keynote address is "Public Relations Strategies for “Z generation”. The special speech is "Tobitate! Study abroad Initiative achievement and next stage". As case studies, they reported on "Initiatives of MJIIT in University-Industry-Government (UIG) Partnership for Achieving the SDGs", which will lead to further activation of activities in the future.There was also a report on the implementation of global PBL, in which industry-academia-government collaboration was used to solve social issues.
The event concluded with a panel discussion among the four overseas universities that are members of the GTI Consortium. Information and opinions were exchanged on each university's attitude toward education and collaborative research, as well as risk management efforts.

Faculty members and industry members stated their motivation, and impression of the Industry-Academia-Government collaborative programs from their points of view.

A total of 322 participants from 18 countries attended the symposium. As in the previous year, there was a high level of interest among the participants.
●IMG_6199【Opening Remarks】Jun Yamada, Ph.D (Chair, GTI Consortium/President, Shibaura Institute of Technology)
●IMG_6205【Host Speeches】Mr.Toshio Yoshino (Vice President, Japan Student Services Organization / Superintendent, Tokyo International Exchange Center)
●IMG_6224【Guest Speeches】Ms.Michi Yoshioka (Deputy Director,International Affairs Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
●IMG_6229【Guest Speeches】Mr.Mitsuo Tokiwa (Deputy Director-General for Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
●IMG_6243【Keynote Address】Mr.Yohei Harada (Professor, Center for Promotion of Education Innovation, SIT)
●IMG_6252【Special Speech】Mr.Satoru Araune (Project Director, Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow)Study Abroad Initiative)
●IMG_5306【Case Report】Dr.Shohei Matsuura, Ph.D (Visiting Associate Professor, UTM, JICA Expert/Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology,MJIIT)
●IMG_6255【Case Report】Mr.Kenichi Murai (Corporate Officer/Sales Department/Geneal Manager, SANSHIN CORPORATION)
●IMG_5333Panel Discussions
●IMG_6300【Closing Remarks】Akiko Takasaki,Dr.Eng.,Dsc. (Vice President, Shibaura Institute of Technology)


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