MOU Renewal Signing Ceremony with Kasetsart University (Thailand)

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Shibaura Institute of Technology Holds MOU Signing Ceremony with Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand.
On September 14, KU visited our campus to renew it’s MOU with SIT. During the ceremony, SIT’s President Dr. Jun Yamada, Vice President Dr. Akito Takasaki, Director of Center for International Programs Dr. Masaomi Kimura and Department of Civil Engineering Professor Dr. Shinya Inazumi met with Kasetsart University's Dr. Supakij Nontananandh (Former Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Associate Professor in Department of Civil Engineering), Dr. Susit Chaiprakaikeow (Vice Dean for Facility and Environment, Faculty of Engineering Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering), Dr. Porjan Tuttipongsawat (Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering) and Dr. Sutasinee Intui (Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering) to discuss the historic partnership. 

SIT and Kasetsart University first initiated this MOU  in 2018. Since then, both universities have actively conducted international programs and exchanged students.
Professor Inazumi is currently conducting a gPBL at SIT from September 8th to 17th with several overseas universities including Kasetsart University.
Lecturer Dr. Sutasinee Intui, who attended the signing ceremony, is a graduate of SIT’s Doctoral Program and was a member of Professor Inazumi's laboratory.

Both universities confirmed their intention to further promote international exchanges within the framework of the close relationship established by this agreement.




Division of Global Initiatives

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