MOU Signing Ceremony with Universiti Malaysia Perlis

  • Global
Shibaura Institute of Technology Holds MOU Signing Ceremony with Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Malaysia

On September 22, SIT held an online MOU Signing Ceremony with Universiti Malaysia Perlis.
Attending online from UniMAP were Vice Chancellor Prof. Dato' Ts. Dr. Zaliman Sauli,
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International)  Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Shukry Abdul Majid,  Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) Prof. Ir. Dr. Rizalafande Che Ismail and other faculty members. 
Those attending the ceremony in-person from SIT were President Dr. Jun Yamada, Vice President Dr. Akito Takasaki, Director of Center for International Programs Dr. Masaomi Kimura, Associate Professor Dr. Shahrol Bin Mohamaddan and other staff members.

SIT has partnered with UniMAP through the JST Sakura Science Plan Program and ATU-Net (Asia Technological University Network, of which SIT is the only Japanese university member). 

With the signing of the agreement at today's ceremony, further collaboration such as student exchange programs are expected.




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