Cognitive Linguistics & Quantitative Text Analysis Laboratory

We reveal the movements of the human mind through language and psychological data.

Linguistics is the study of extracting and modeling characteristics found in a language. Since language exists with people, its characteristics change over time and between communities. However, it is impossible to investigate each speaker individually (especially across different periods!). Therefore, we analyze corpora, and collections of language data (samples), to reveal trends in the population. In our lab, we analyze differences in language use across different generations and communities, compare language changes over time, and explore variations in linguistic expressions due to various psychological states, from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. We primarily use Python-based API requests and surveys with people close to us for corpus creation. Ultimately, these data are processed through programming or software, and the resulting numbers are analyzed statistically. However, since linguistics and cognitive psychology perspectives are also necessary during the analysis, both humanities and science approaches are possible. Many students in our lab are interested in quantifying and modeling the movements of the human mind. For 欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 information on the main research themes, please refer to the "Lab Highlights" section below.

College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Advanced Mechanical Engineering / Graduate School of Engineering and Science(Master's Program) Mechanical Engineering Course / Graduate School of Engineering and Science(Doctor's Program) Functional Control Systems Course
Faculty Name
textmining,color terms,Cognitive Linguistics,psychometric measurements,Educational Technology,Quantitative text analysis
Laboratory location
No.4 Building OMIYA Campus 4F 4402-2

This lab is for this SDG activity:

  • 質の高い教育をみんなに


  • Cognitive Linguistics
  • Quantitative Text Analysis
  • Linguistic Statistics
  • Educational Technology
  • Creation, measurement and evaluation of psychometric scales
  • Linguistic analysis using Python


Deepen our understanding of the world's diversity through language. Provide better education by assessing people's psychological status and the language they use to express it.


  • Revealing historical meaning changes in color terms
  • Exploring learner psychology through quantitative text analysis
  • Constructing psychometric scales to measure the psychology of L2 English learners
  • Constructing causal models of psychological factors in relation to English proficiency levels
  • Contrastive Studies of French, English, and Japanese Languages and Cultures
  • Uncovering the uncanny valley through linguistic data and psychological states

Laboratory close-up

Field: It is an interdisciplinary field that combines the sciences (quantitative) and the humanities (qualitative).----------- Research Themes of Lab Students: Studies on otaku terminology using quantitative text analysis, exploring the sources of people's anxieties about artificial intelligence and generative AI using X platform post data, clarifying the uncanny valley based on linguistic data and psychological measurement scales, and 欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】.----------- Graduation Research Seminars: These are conducted at the Toyosu campus, where we read and discuss materials and papers related to quantitative text analysis.----------- For those wishing to receive supervision from me in the Graduate School (Master's and Doctoral Programs): After applying through the TAO system, we will have a pre-interview.----------- Other language speakers are also welcome.