Information and Communication Network Laboratory
What is an information network that encourages cooperative behaviors in people?
Conventional systems are designed on the premise that people act “selfishly” in using apps they like at times of their own choice. However, in reality, people tend to change their behaviors depending on situations and circumstances. For example, they avoid using a system when they know it is congested. Our laboratory focuses on “altruistic” behaviors of people in the real world and aims to establish a method through which humans and system controllers can work cooperatively.
- Keyword
- Networks,People-friendly technologies,Communication quality control,Numerical analyses
- Laboratory location
- Centennial Main Building TOYOSU Campus 11F 11C06
This lab is for this SDG activity:
- Communication engineering
- Information engineering
- Information security
This technology is being considered for application in a system that allows efficient communications in, for instance, confirming the safety of one’s family or friends at the time of an earthquake or other disasters, when limited communication networks (only allowing emergency communication) are available.
- Research on communication quality controls that factor in people’s altruistic behaviors
- Proposals on communication networking methods that factor in users’ limited rationality