インドネシアトップクラスの互丕とSITをYんだ忽H巷_v恙 仝Welcome to the High-Pressure World々_岸のご宛坪

  • セミナ`


晩r 2021定2埖27晩輿F仇rg9:00-14:00 (晩云rg11:00-16:00)
タイトル Welcome to the High-Pressure World –Liquid dry-ice, Hot ice, and Artificial diamond– 
スタッフ 販宀表云SIT縮T3兆墳小、イザベラ、ディタSIT僥伏垪伏4兆
SMA NEGERI 1 SIDOARJO _丕L根む縮T5兆、伏予互丕3定親僥コ`ス20兆
侘B オンラインZoom、vx、オンラインgY、グル`プディスカッションなど

program: (晩云rgは2rgWれ)

9:00 Opening, Ice break, students and seminar’s staff.
 Greeting from head of high-school. Join media
9:10 Lecture 1 "Three States of Matter and Pressure"
9:30 Experiment 1 "Liquid of dry ice" solid of CO2 (live)
9:50 Discussion with break room (one group 4 students and 1 facilitator)
10:00 Presentation by a representative student of each group
10:20 University, Laboratory introduction
10:30 Experiment 2 "Crystallization of water at room temperature" (video)
10:50 Lecture 2 "Various high-pressure ice"
11:00 Lunch and pray time, 45m lunch, lab tour 15m
12:00 Lecture 3 "Natural and Artificial Diamonds"
12:20 Exercise 1 "Observation of natural & artificial diamonds" (observation using optical and scanning electron microscopes)
12:40 group discussion& presentation
13:00 Overall review and summary (Lecturer summarizes student impressions)
13:30 Student's life at Shibaura IT, Anna-san, IGP student
13:50 Closing, Certificate award, The best student or best group(selected by Indonesia