Advanced Electronic Engineering


Students comprehensively learn electronics engineering, the fundamental technology of the IoT, and develop the ability to apply it to robot control using brain waves and Al.

1st year: Learn the fundamentals of electronics and the underlying physics, mathematics, and chemistry.

●Main Courses of Study
Mathematics for Electrical Analyses 1/2 / Electric Circuits 1/2 / Electromagnetism 1 / Introduction to Electronic Engineering Course / Introduction of Technology and Product

2nd year: Learn the basics of electronic circuits and electronic properties.

●Main Courses of Study
Electric Circuits 3 / Electromagnetism 2/3 / Analog Electronic Circuits 1/2 / Digital Electronic Circuits / Introduction to Electronic Materials / Introduction to Solid State Physics / Electronic Engineering Practice / Basic Experiment in Electronic Engineering

3rd year: Learn specialized courses in electronics in the laboratory.

●Main Courses of Study
Signal Processing / Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs / Integrated Circuits /Medical Electronics / Optoelectronics / Electronic Devices / Radio Communication Devices /Graduation Thesis 1/2

4th year: Develop graduation research and complete a thesis.

●Main Courses of Study
Radio Law, Rules & Regulations/ Telecommunication Law, Rules & Regulations / Graduation Thesis 3/4

Class Introduction


Electric Circuits 1/2

Starting with DC circuits, students learn the basic theory of AC in a step-by-step manner and then study resonant circuits and two-terminal pair circuits.


Electronic Circuits

Students learn the theory of analog and digital electronic circuits, the foundation of electronics. They learn the principles of operation of electronic circuits and acquire the ability to design circuits to accommodate new elements.


Electronics Course Experiments 1/2

Experiments are conducted on specialized fields such as embedded computers in order to put the basic knowledge acquired into practice. Students improve their ability to consider and report the results through report writing, etc.

Examples of Research Topics

Development of “Robot Eye” to support victims with mobile and flying robots

Image Processing and Robotics Laboratory: Prof. Chinthaka Premachandra

We are developing “Robot Eye,” a technology to equip mobile and flying robots with cameras and sensors to give them visual functions and information analysis capabilities. The robot collects data while moving and flying over disaster-stricken areas, and analyzes the data obtained to assess the situation at the site. The obtained information can be wirelessly transmitted to rescue teams etc. in real time to provide effective assistance to disaster victims.


Developed robot eye (left) and land and air dual-use robot (right)


Development scenery of land and air dual-use robot

Examples of Activities with Overseas Partners

PBL Program for Joint Development of Electronics Engineering Systems by Japanese and Thai Students

Electromechanical Systems, Integrated Opto-Devices and Bioelectronics Laboratory + King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thailand

Students from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at King Mongkut's University of Technology in Thailand and our course worked on system development with the keywords of microcontroller, sensor, biosignal, light, sound, control, and communication. Students worked together for two weeks each in both countries, building a deep cooperative relationship. They developed not only knowledge of electronics, but also communication skills in English.


Group photo of PBL program participants, 10 students from our course and 10 students from Thailand, working together for 2 weeks

Example of Graduation Research

A study of waveguide-type optical isolators with a semiconductor waveguide layer

In optical communication systems, optical isolators, which exhibit non-conflicting characteristics, are indispensable elements for stabilizing the oscillation of semiconductor lasers. In the near-infrared region, optical isolators are composed of magnetic garnets with a large magneto-optical coefficient. To realize optoelectronic integrated circuits, we propose an optical isolator composed of a magnetic garnet cladding layer and a semiconductor waveguide layer, and design, produce, and evaluate the elements.

Applications of this research

With the increase in video distribution via the Internet and rapid spread of smartphones, communication capacity continues to expand at an annual rate of 欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 than 20%. We aim to realize optical nonrelativistic elements, which are important components in optical fiber communication systems, in a waveguide structure and to develop components for future optoelectronic integrated circuits.

Development of brain-computer interface (BCI)

We are conducting research on a brain-computer interface (BCI), a technology to bridge the gap between the brain and the computer, i.e., to read “what humans are thinking” from brain activity measured by EEG and cerebral blood flow, and conversely, to improve brain function by adjusting brain activity from the outside. The BCI will bring about a world where people can operate devices just by thinking, without using their arms and legs.

 Applications of this research

BCI provides a means for patients with severe quadriplegia caused by traffic accidents, etc., to use a keyboard by themselves, operate a motorized wheelchair as they wish, and so on. It is also expected to be a means of rehabilitation to restore brain functions in patients with brain diseases. This technology is also important for healthy people, such as detecting and reducing psychological stress that is difficult to notice from the outside.”