Electrical Engineering and Robotics


Students learn the fundamentals of energy and control in the field of electrical and robotics engineering and develop the ability to analyze and solve problems in electrical energy, system control and robotics, electrical materials, and devices.

1st year: Focus on studying basic subjects common to all programs.

●Main Courses of Study
Electric Circuits 1A/1B/2A/2B / Electromagnetism 1A/1B / Engineering Practice

2nd year: Deepen understanding of 欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】 specialized content through lectures and experiments.

●Main Courses of Study
Electric Circuits 3A/3B / Electromagnetism 2A/2B/3A/3B / Basic Experiments 1/2 / Analog Electronic Circuits / Digital Circuits / Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Robotics Research/ Fundamentals of Electronic Physics/ Electrical Measurements / International Internship on Electrical Engineering A/B

3rd year: Students are assigned to a laboratory to enhance their expertise through lectures and experiments, focusing on their area of interest.

●Main Courses of Study
Electrical Engineering Technical English / Introduction of Electrical Engineering Research / Advanced Experiments 1/2 / Graduation Thesis 1/2

4th year: Develop graduation research and complete a thesis.

●Main Courses of Study
Radio Law, Rules & Regulations / Radio Wave Engineering / Radio Communication Devices /Graduation Thesis 3/4

Class Introduction


Engineering practice

In the engineering practice class, students create a system circuit using a microcomputer. In the first half of the class, as an individual project, students build and operate a basic system circuit. In the second half of the class, as a group project, each group proposes and builds a complex system by combining basic system circuits using a microcomputer. In the group assignment in the latter half of the class, each group (about 5 students) discusses the system they want to build, proposes a complex system based on their own ideas, and gives a presentation. In the process of producing the system circuit, students deepen their understanding of the basic elements of system circuits and system integration.


Basic experiments 1 & 2

In Basic Experiment 1, students learn how to conduct experiments, write reports, study related measurement techniques, data processing, etc., and acquire basic skills in electrical and robotics engineering. In Basic Experiment 2, students further deepen their understanding of what they have learned in the basic specialized subjects.


Introduction to electrical engineering and robotics research

Students gain an accurate understanding of the role of electrical and robotics engineering in the domestic and international community, grasp the technological needs of today's society, and learn how these needs are reflected in manufacturing and how technological issues are solved. They receive an explanation of the research being conducted by the course faculty and compare it to their own interests in the field. This helps them select a theme for their graduation research, future career path, and the content of their research at graduate school.

Example of Research Topics

Controlling dynamic phenomena and enhancing them as functions

Dynamic Functional Devices Laboratory: Associate Professor Hiroki Shigemune

Our research focuses on motion. Advances in measurement technology and physics have made it possible to observe and analyze complex motion that was previously difficult to understand. We are developing actuators that convert energy into external motion and electronic devices that operate by controlling the motion of electrons in materials. Ultimately, we aim to enrich our lives by making the things around us move 欧洲杯足彩app下载_欧洲杯下注平台-【直播*网站】.

Example of Activities with Overseas Partners

International Internship in Electrical Engineering A

Robotics Laboratory, Electrical Engineering and Robotics Course +Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Vietnam

We are conducting a line-trace robot manufacturing and competition in Vietnam for students of all grades. Participating students work with local students to build a robot that operates on a simple microcomputer and take part in the competition making full use of sensors and actuators. The joy students feel when they complete the task is irreplaceable, and they share this joy with the local students.


This is the line trace robot to be used, which runs on an Arduino microcontroller.


The participants run the robot on a real course and compete to see if it runs as intended.

Example of Graduation Research

Electrolytic synthesis of polyphenylene films and their application to blue light-emitting materials

When an electron is taken from a hydrogen atom, it becomes an extremely small particle (quantum) called a proton (proton). The proton beam lighting technology accelerates protons at 1 million volts to narrow the quantum beam to less than 1/100th of a hair and draws them. It produces microscopic patterns such as electronic and optical circuits and concavo-convex structures. This technology is essential for the fabrication of small electronic devices such as cell phones, and optical communications, and biochips.

Applications of this research

The possibilities are endless in proton-beam micro fabrication, including lithography technology to create minute electronic circuits in mobile devices, microlens array fabrication technology to create clear images for LCD projectors, optical switch fabrication technology for optical communications, fabrication technology to create complex surface shapes to control water repellency, and water quality inspection devices to efficiently collect and detect microorganisms.

Design of a principle verification machine for a new-generation spintronics motor

We have conducted basic and functional design of a new-generation motor that breaks away from conventional motors that generate a magnetic field by passing an electric current through a coil. As a first step, we designed a motor using a stator with a magnetization-reversible Alnico magnet and confirmed that the loss could be reduced by 90%.

Applications of this research

If the motor under study can be realized, it would greatly reduce the power consumption of devices used in all kinds of places, such as elevators, escalators, air conditioners, and automobiles,. In addition, because of the motor structure that enables miniaturization, medical applications can be expected, such as motors for walking assist suits and, eventually, motors that operate inside the human body.