Ain Musyira binti Mohd ZaidiさんがAPRIS 2024にてBest Short Paper Awardを鞭p

  • 秤鷙ぱЭ

 Ain Musyira binti Mohd Zaidi さん秤鷙ぱЭ4定

殫紅 みどり 縮娩秤鷙ぱЭ藤

APRIS 2024 : Asia Pacific Conference on Robot IoT System Development and Platform

Best Short Paper Award

Analysis and Visualization of Passenger Comfort During Low Speed Mobility Rides in Outdoor Environments Using Heart Rate Variability Index




This research aims to objectively analyze and visualize passenger comfort during low-speed mobility rides. Recently, the use of low-speed mobility devices, such as electric wheelchairs, has been increasing, especially among elderly and disabled individuals. However, factors such as narrow pathways and bumpy roads can significantly affect their comfort. To address this, we proposed comfort maps that display passenger comfort and discomfort locations. This approach provides valuable insights to guide route planning for users.


We evaluated passenger comfort using HRV index called pNN20 (percentage of successive RR intervals that differ by 天巖鵜怎科app和墮_天巖鵜和廣峠岬-‐岷殴*利嫋/ than 20 msec). Next, we integrated the comfort result with GPS data and visualized it on a map. The results show a common comfort area, suggesting that wide pathways may contribute to passenger comfort.


In the future, we aim to identify the factors that significantly affect passenger comfort and display the results on our proposed map. By using this map as a reference, passengers can plan better routes, ultimately improving their riding experience.