大宮 ものづくりセンター 開室日/Omiya Manufacturing Center Opening days

大学休業日を除く月~金 9時~17時

Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding university holidays.


正課利用のため、下記曜日の該当室は利用できません。 Due to regular school use, the corresponding rooms are not available on the following days of the week.

4101&4102室 N生命科学科 前期 木曜日 2,3,4限
4101室 Q機械制御システム学科 後期 月曜 2,3限
4102室 N生命科学科 後期 月曜 3,4限
4102室 G電子工学科 後期 火曜 3限

大宮 ものづくりセンター 利用案内/Omiya Manufacturing Center User guide



利用登録申請書が受理されると、予約システムのIDが発行されます。 利用登録機器は予約システムから各自予約願います。

(1) Please submit the application for registration of use (common form for the Shared Research Facilities and the Manufacturing Center).
For the form, go to the Shared Research Facilities website. The link (2) is applicable.

(2) If you wish to use the Manufacturing Center, please submit a User Agreement (consent regarding the safety management responsibilities of the supervisor) online.
When your application for registration is accepted, you will be issued a reservation system ID. Please make your own reservations through the reservation system for the equipment you have registered to use.

予約システム/reservation system



はじめての方へのご案内/Information for first-time users


Faculty, staff, and students affiliated with laboratories on campus may use the facilities and equipment of the Manufacturing Center under the prescribed rules after completing the necessary administrative procedures described above. Currently, we provide the following services.

(1)セルフ利用(自分で加工する)/ Self-use (processing by yourself)



"It can be used for research purposes such as "I want to make or modify parts for use in research" or "I want to use a machine tool for machining and measurement research.
Self-access is permitted only when the faculty advisor is in the room.

(2)授業利用(授業への設備?機器の提供、大宮センターのみ)/ Classroom use (provision of facilities and equipment for classes, Omiya Center only)


We respond to the needs of teachers who want to use machine tools for practical classes or who want a work space equipped with tools.
If you are a member of our affiliated schools, please consult with us individually.

<問い合わせ先/Contact information>
連絡先: techno-officeアットマークsic.shibaura-it.ac.jp

大宮センター(セルフ利用)/Omiya Center (self use)

STEP1 センター利用申請(使用責任者)/ Application to use the Center (person responsible for use)



Please submit the application for registration of use (common form for the Shared Research Facilities and the Manufacturing Center).
For the form, go to the Shared Research Facilities website. The link (2) is applicable. Please read the Terms of Use and submit the Manufacturing Center User Responsible Person Approval Form.

<使用責任者とは / What is a "Responsible User"?>
研究利用:教員、利用する学生の指導教員 / Research use: faculty members, supervisors of students using the equipment

STEP2 安全講習を受講(利用者)/Attend safety training (users)

安全講習のオンデマンド受講を義務化しています。 Mandatory on-demand attendance at safety courses.
の 「日本語講習動画」 → 200ものづくりセンター安全講習会.mp4 を閲覧してください。

STEP3 メールにて講習依頼を行う/Request for training by e-mail.




STEP4 機器を予約して、指導教員の管理責任のもと利用する(利用者)/Reserve equipment and use it under the supervisor's management responsibility (users)

Insurance:All students are already enrolled in Gakkensai. In addition, all students must be enrolled in the SAFE System (Students' Comprehensive Insurance System) for compensation (all Shibaura Institute of Technology students are already enrolled).

<厳守事項/Strictly observe the following rules>

?Please return the tools to their original positions.
?At the end of the class, please clean the room with the goal of making it cleaner than before.
?Please fill in the record of use in the record book.
?In principle, users are requested to provide their own materials and tools.

運営時間(開室時間)/Operating Hours (Opening Hours)
大学休業日を除く 月~金 9:00~17:00
Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 except university holidays.
However, it depends on the time when the university can enter the school.


大宮センター(授業利用)/Omiya Center (class use)

STEP1 センター利用申請(使用責任者)



Please submit the Application for Registration of Use (common form for the Shared Research Facilities and the Manufacturing Center).
For the form, go to the Techno Plaza website.  The link (2) is applicable. Please read the Terms of Use and submit the Manufacturing Center User Responsible Person Approval Form.

<留意事項 / Notes>
?学科主任の承認を受けた上で、申請してください。 Please obtain the approval of the department chair before applying.
?利用機器については、事前に予約システムで予約をお願いします。Please make reservations in advance through the reservation system for equipment to be used.

STEP2 履修学生を対象にした安全講習を実施(授業担当教員)/Conduct safety training for students enrolled in the course (faculty member in charge of the class)

大宮センターの利用には、安全講習の受講を義務化しています。 授業担当教員は、必ず、初回授業にて履修学生を対象とした安全講習を実施してください。
It is compulsory to take a safety course to use the Omiya Center. The instructor of the class must give a safety lecture to the students in the first class.

STEP3 授業開始/Start of class


Please observe the safety measures described at the time of application, and use it in each class.

<厳守事項/Strictly observe the following rules>

?Please return the tools to their original positions.
?At the end of the class, have the students clean the room with the goal of making it cleaner than before.
?Tools and materials should be provided by the department in principle.