豊洲 テクノプラザⅢの立ち上げについて/Launch of Toyosu Techno Plaza III

大学の教育環境および教育研究の活性化を目的として 豊洲ものづくりセンターと芝浦キャンパス工作室を統合し、テクノプラザⅢを立ち上げました。



For the purpose of revitalizing the university's educational environment and educational research, the Manufacturing Center and the Shibaura Campus Workshop were merged to form Techno Plaza III.
Before use, be sure to attend handling and safety training by technical or student staff. From a safety management perspective in the absence of technical or student staff, use by students only is strictly prohibited. Please note that the laser cutter and 3D printer that were located at the Manufacturing Center have been transferred to the Fab Lab system at the Shared Research Facilities.
運営時間/Operating hours


 Weekdays (Monday-Friday) morning (9:00-12:30), afternoon (13:30-17:00)
テクノプラザⅢ レイアウト/Techno Plaza III Layout
利用料金/usage fee

一律一研究室:¥30,000/年 一部機器についてはオプション料金の設定あり /One lab per year: ¥30,000/year  Optional fees are available for some equipment.

However, consumables such as brass wire, turning tips, end mills, ultra-thin grinding wheels for fine cutters, and sandpaper for wire cutting machines should be prepared in the laboratory where they will be used. Please ask the technical staff for details. As with the Shared Research Facilities, an optional fee has been set this year for some equipment that requires expensive maintenance.

豊洲 ものづくりセンター(テクノプラザⅢ)利用案内/Toyosu Manufacturing Center (Techno Plaza III) User guide


Please submit the application form for registration of use (common form for the Shared Research Facilities and the Manufacturing Center). For the form, go to the Shared Research Facilities website.


If you wish to use the Manufacturing Center, please submit the User Agreement (consent regarding the safety management responsibilities of the supervisor) online.

(3)講習予定については下記を確認してください。 Please check the following for the course schedule.
講習予定表(公開講習)/Course Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RqLZIcpGJAYdXkKuiD4NwkUVEXVVWyKSFdgOadawFeQ/edit?usp=sharing

Please apply using the form below. Application deadline: Friday 13:00 of the week before the course

公開講習受付フォーム/Open Training Registration Form: https://forms.gle/QKcyk2spNJsE2RSG8

ビデオ講習/Video Training: ビデオ講習

もし公開講習およびビデオ講習ともになければ techno-officeアットマークsic.shibaura-it.ac.jp までご連絡ください。

 If neither public nor video training is available, please contact techno-office.

機器予約/Equipment reservation

豊洲ものづくりセンターの予約はこちら/Toyosu Manufacturing Center Reservation system is here.

After taking the course, please make a reservation by the reservation system and use by yourself. The same ID and PASS as for the Shared Research Facilities can be used.
You can access this page only from the campus network (including SRUS-VPN).

安全講習会/Safety seminar

利用者の方は指導教員の方と読み合わせを行ってください。 Users are required to read with their supervisor.
紙資料 /Document(970.3KB)
動画資料/Video Material

使用上の注意事項/Precautions for use


?工作機械を使用するときは眼を保護する” 保護メガネ “を必ず着用してください。(メガネ着用の方は原則そのままで大丈夫です)

?髪の毛が長い人は” 髪留めゴム “を使用し、束ねてください。


?基本的にはスニーカを着用してください。(重いものを運ぶときなどは”安全靴 “を着用してください)












?Wear clothing suitable for machine work. If the staff deems it inappropriate, it cannot be used. (Sandals, short pants, skirts, T-shirts, hooded jackets, ill-fitting clothing, etc. are strictly prohibited.)
?When using machine tools, be sure to wear "safety glasses" to protect your eyes. (In principle, those who wear glasses can leave them on.)
?If you have long hair, please use a "hair clip elastic" and bind it in a bundle.
?Work uniform jackets, safety hats, helmets, and safety shoes are available for loan.
?Basically, please wear sneakers. (Wear "safety shoes" when carrying heavy objects, etc.)
?Please always operate machine tools with bare hands. (Gloves and military gloves are strictly prohibited.)
?Disinfect hands with alcohol as appropriate.
?Tools and measuring instruments in Techno Plaza are strictly prohibited to be taken out. (Even for a short period of time, it is strictly prohibited.)
?Operation of machine tools other than those approved for use is strictly prohibited.
?Please report any malfunctions honestly to our staff. Please be assured that insurance will be applied.
?Do not touch chips generated during metal working with bare hands. (Lacerations may occur.)
?In the event of an injury, please contact a staff member and receive treatment at the Health Center.
?There are objects nearby that rotate with strong force.
?There are blades that can cut the skin just by touching it.
?Please clean the room after use and have it checked by a staff member. If the cleaning is not sufficient, you will be asked to repeat the process.
?If there is no improvement despite repeated warnings, the use of the Techno Plaza may be terminated.

ヒヤリハット報告/Near-miss report

あなたの報告が今後の重大事故の発生を防ぎます。 安全についてなにか気づいた点があれば遠慮なく報告してください。
Your report will prevent future serious accidents from occurring. If you notice anything about safety, please do not hesitate to report it.

<スタッフ連絡先/Staff contact>

E-mail techno-officeアットマークsic.shibaura-it.ac.jp