利用料金/Usge fee



There is no pay-as-you-go system for all equipment, centers, and spaces, but a flat-rate system that allows unlimited use for a year. However, consumables should be prepared by each laboratory. (Tools, needles, syringes, tapes, measurers, grinding stones, etc.) (as of December 3, 2021)
Please refer to the application form of the respective academic year for the information about the optional fees for the respective equipment.



利用料金の研究費からの振り替えについて/Transfer of usage fees from research expenses

例年、11月中に各先生に利用状況と請求金額をお知らせしております。 その後、利用申請書で先生方から指定された予算部署より自動的に引き落としになります。
ただし、業務フローの見直しにより、振替タイミングが前倒しになる可能性もありますので、事務局からのお知らせに従ってください。 振替可能な予算は限定されていますので、ご注意下さい。

We usually inform each teacher of the usage status and the billing amount in November. After that, the amount will be automatically deducted from the budget department designated by the teachers on the application form. However, due to a review of the workflow, the transfer timing may be moved up, so please follow the notice from the office. Please note that the budget available for transfer is limited.